Janne Leppänen's profile

ARK Solar Yacht

Industrial Design
Ark Solar Yacht
This futuristic concept design was my graduation work. I studied industrial design in Kuopio Academy of Design (www.designkuopio.fi). I was going to design an ecological boat for inland and coast waters. Those are mainly used in Finland for boating. Time scenario was about ten years ahead (2020).

I was interested in natural fibers and if one could use those fibers instead of glass fiber, because at the end of it´s lifecycle, glass fiber composite is hard to dispose. So, I interviewed a natural fiber and composite experts. During the work I had interviewed many and found lots of useful information. Example, linen fibers can be used to make a boat. Natural fibers can be also made in planks. Those planks could be used for making the deck, instead of rainforest woods such as mahogany and teak.

I have had interest in transportation design for many years. I have found out that future power for cars and boats is electricity and hydrogen. So those was also under my research. I found out that with todays methods, hydrogen needs more energy to manufacture than it produces. If in the future that process could be more effective, then hydrogen has a good possibility to be power of the future. Example, if users could use water in the tank and the vehicle produces hydrogen only the amount it needs. Think about a boat that "drinks" to power it self. What an intriguing thought. To the time a had for research, I didn´t find any reliable information for that kind of technology. Thought some weak signals were found. Seems to be that batteries are developing to be very efficient and powerful, even 100 % recyclable. I found some information about silicon nanotube batteries that could be in the future. Those kind of batteries could store 10 times more electricity than normal lithium batteries! It would mean the end for internal combustion engines.

I wanted to design something knew, as always. I interviewed few users and found out that boaters that has a summer cottage, doesn´t usually have a big boat. And boaters that don´t have summer cottage, has a big boat. Hmm, Interesting. In near future there is going to be floating residential areas, even cities. Good way to prepare for rising sea level, which seems to be happening. I saw a link there.

Everybody knows that boats consumes huge amounts of fuel. Boats haven´t developed as fast as cars, concerning fuel economy. So I wanted to find out what could be better solution. So, electricity seems to be the future. People might have thought that already 100 years ago when electric cars were better than regular fuel consumption cars. I found out that solar panels are developing at fast pace. There is going to be solar panels that use similar system that plants use in photosynthesis. Solar panels can be translucent, multilayered, bendable and available in many colors. When you use solar panels in a boat, you have lots of space for them, enough to power the whole boat. Even sails could be made from flexible solar panels.  

The concept that I was going to design was clear. Ecological materials, power sources and habitability. I noticed, that there is open market for boats that combines house and boat. People could choose where to live. Example summer at Finland, winter at spain, where ever you want. And with zero emission! The name of the concept is ARKKI (Finnish name) (English; ARK), which refers to its ecological and habitable nature. With this type of habitable boat, user in not bound to live in one certain area. User can move freely around floating residential areas and harbors, where the boat could be docked. The whole top surface of the concept is made from multilayered solar panels which produce plenty of power. Excess electrical energy can either charge the boat batteries or be directed in to the grid, therefore, the boat acts as a small solar plant. 

The hull materials I chose were concrete and natural fiber composites. Both of them are very ecological. Concrete boats have been around quite long time (ferro-cement boats). Many doesn´t know that. Concrete weights about same as steel. Benefits for that, is that it can be made in mould and it´s really cheap. When reinforced with plastic fibers and compounds such as this, it is very good choice for ecological hull material. It is also being used to manufacture piers and hulls for floating houses. Concrete doesn´t need to be lifted out from the water for winter, because it "breathes", so it doesn´t crack in gold weather like glass fiber composite.

I believe that for huge open seas sail boats are the best choice. But for difficult surroundings like coasts and inland waters using sails are bit difficult. So I didn´t choose to use sails in this one. In a way, you are sailing with solar. Use water is obtained from surrounding waters with nano membranes that lets through only water molecules. That is quite new invention that I found out to be very interesting. Even salt water can be made drinkable.
This was a short summary of my ARK Solar Yacht concept. If you want to know more about this, don´t be afraid to ask.
ARK Solar Yacht

ARK Solar Yacht

This concept combines house and a boat. The whole surface of the boat is covered with solar panels. Excess electrical energy can either charge th Read More
