You Are Here
second installment
Ever since I was a child I would wander around exploring different places and over the years I have developed a huge passion for traveling. It's always refreshing to look at travel pictures and hear stories from people as well as sharing your own. This encouraged me to start a project entitled "You Are Here". It's a photo journal collection about people sharing a glimpse of where they are at a certain point in time. I want this series to inspire people to view their current location as point "A" and either want to travel to the location of the photo which is "B" or get a firsthand account of that location from around the world.
Each series will see the world map gain more orange checkpoints. In the future I hope to be able to come to a point where this map is cluttered with checkpoints. "You Are Here" should be motivation for you to go out and explore, whether it is discovering new things around your neighborhood  or booking a one way flight somewhere around the world. Mark Twain once said, which sums up this series, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Photo Credits: Cassandra Fernandes, Aquilla Hines,
Amber Ferguson and Rui Li
You Are Here - (2)

You Are Here - (2)

You start at point A but this series will take you to point B.
