The project brief was to produce two posters, which advertised an exhibition at the V&A museum. This exhibition had previously been shown in the museum and was called Brand.New; the posters were going to be updated versions for the same exhibition that is to be on display this year. The two posters that were to be produced had to illustrate the opposing ideas of branding and anti-branding. This message had to be clear to the exhibition and be communicated well to the audience. The posters, A1 in size, had to focus on the challenging look on contemporary culture and the proliferation of brand identities. The follow up exhibition we are promoting focuses on the issues of branding and anti-branding after the credit crunch.

My exhibition name, ‘Consuming Brands’, was generated from the idea that we as a society are constantly eating brands, they are everywhere around us and we don’t realise this factor. As the exhibition is all about brands, I wanted my exhibition name to reflect this, so I created a brand identity for it.

I also produced some promotional material which would be sold in the shop at the museum.

Poster promoting the view of branding being positive, the idea that we are consumers in the branding world.
Poster promoting the view of branding being negative, 'Anti-Branding', the idea that we as consumers are being consumed into the branding world.
The name and identity of the V&A exhibition.
Merchandise that could be sold relating to the exhibition.
The two opposing posters in location.
V&A Exhibition

V&A Exhibition

The project brief was to produce two posters, which advertised an exhibition at the V&A museum. This exhibition had previously been shown in the Læs mere
