ALTV Branding design
ALTV Media product was well built when I started to work with it. In this project, I helped to create new screens by following their work scheme keeping in mind the design-line of the product but contributing with new ideas for the designs, layouts, iconography, integration of new features and better use of UX.

The project was led by a product manager, developers, testers and me which would help to contribute by creating the best user experience. I started by studying the brand and the screen flow of their application in order to understand how would be my approach to create new material for mobile and web devices. It was a must to learn the software they were using called Sketch which helps designers to make mobile prototypes due to I used to work with an alternative software called Adobe XD.

In this project I helped by creating web and mobile responsive designs, a short video and animated transitions for logo animations and video openings, improving the user flow, sculping a 3d character for future use, expanding their branding and always looking and implementing new technologies to facilitate communication of the design process between myself and the team. Also, I was making decisions design-wise to improve and fix some issues of implementation in their current designs by following the screen flow and finding flaws on the user experience.

To conclude, I created different iterations of the designs to reach the best proposal and made new alternatives that could be of help to be used for future designs. 
ALTV Media

ALTV Media
