Kahani Books
A Book Cover design system for Kahani Books, a publication house catering to stories of women, by women. 
The challenge was to design a series of book covers in order to build two distinct, systems, one for fiction, and one for 
non-fiction books by the publication house. 

While Kahani means stories in Hindi, the logotype is a swashed ‘k’, derived from strokes of a writing tool that
scribbles and draws raw, honest letters that form honest stories.The alternate logos are for varied uses.

Fiction Series:
Swash heavy, hand—lettered, with a heavy influence of a hand-held instrument being used, as if while writing the story itself;  
paired with a humanist serif that compliments the logotype.

Fiction Series:
Hand—lettered in a style distinct than the fictional covers, the addition of serif letterforms on top of calligraphic impressions adds a tone of more grounding for the non—fictional covers, that are also overlayed with swashes, staying true to the Kahani identity.

Kahani Books

Kahani Books

Book Cover design for a (imaginary) publication house,  Kahani Books. The challenge was to design a series of  book covers for both fiction and n Развернуть
