Had a thumbnail sketch of this scene on an envelope sitting on my desk for a year or so. Finally had the drive to actually start and finish it. I'm really happy with the result. It's definitely a big step forward from my usual fare.
I had passable success using Adobe Fuse to create the character and the clothing. I was only going to use it for a base-mesh to create clothes in Marvelous Designer, but the program's included clothing assets worked pretty well. Even came with procedural materials to make exactly the kind of jacket I wanted.
Scroll down as well to see my process. As well as the character, and buildings.
The in-universe explanation for the glowing pink water, is that it's a genetically engineered species of bio-luminescent algae that consumes hazardous waste and materials.
There's a sign in the image that reads "Haz-Away Algae provided by: Axigon Genomics", but admittedly it's a bit out of focus.
Initial concept and block-out
Adding Motorcycle asset, as well as basic materials to some parts.
Asset by:
Created pipes that cut through the wall
Sculpted the top of the wall to show some rebar.
Block-out of the background city, as well as adding neon signs.
1st iteration of the actual buildings.
Revision of the buildings. Honestly they looked terrible before.
Re-arranged buildings and added some more. Textured the text, and added basic volumetrics.
Created and added the rider.
Added water sim and mist. Water sim made with FLIP Fluids. To save on baking time, the meshes are just an array. They look different enough at an angle to not really need different sims.
Initial compositing pass.
Finished and textured the back wall. Up until this point I had no idea what I wanted to do with it.
Compositing revision.
Added building interiors, sculpted the pillars on the wall similar to the top. Added sign "explaining" the water. Fleshed out signs a bit more.
Final compositing run.
Character close-up. I'll be honest, the face doesn't hold up all that well looking close, but from behind and far away, it gets the job done.
Rear of the jacket. Thought it'd be neat to have corduroy sleeves.
The buildings made for the scene. Had a great time finding reference for these. Mostly poured over the work of Michael Wolf's "Architecture of Density". Where he photographs the cramped residential areas of Hong-Kong. Definitely worth a look!
If you've made it this far, thanks so much for checking out my work!


A motorcyclist having a moment of meditation away from the cacophony of the city.
