Parallax- Canary Wharf
We were given a task during lesson to go and take photographs to create a Parallax. I decided to go and take them in Canary Wharf as it is close to the uni and we only had an hour. I was really hard to get good images as the weather was really bad and it was raining. For the first parallax, I decided to take a photograph of the London Underground sign as I thought it would be simple to cut out in photoshop, I also like how it is against the architecture in the background. For the second parallax, I took a photograph of a sculpture the was near the station entrance, I thought the shape of it was really interesting as well as the reflection within the sculpture. I had to edit the parallax in photoshop by using the quick selection tool or the pen tool. Then I had to fill in the background and put the cut out subject over the top. I had to use the timeline to create the parallax, I had to make the subject smaller and then make the background bigger. When you play the video, it should look as if the position of the subject is changing. At first I found it really hard to create the parallax but after watching tutorials on youtube I soon got the hang of it. I struggled with filling in the background as it was a close up of the texture of the architecture in the background and when I filled it in it wasn't working very well as the windows were too linear. If I was to do it again, I would make sure that I took the photos when the weather was better, I would also test it with photographs taken in a different setting. 
Parallax- Canary Wharf
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Parallax- Canary Wharf

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