
EC225  crewchange helicopter over Aberdeen Bay.
S76 on offshore platform - Thailand
 Norwegian "can do"
I had the pilot hover over me and drop the crewman on my head. I then grabbed his hand and pulled him level before being struck by a flipper. Not as dramatic as it looks - you can see the wire (or should I retouch it out??)
Life is a Bitch!
My favourite air-to air photograph of a Jetranger over Heron Island on the Barrier reef in Australia.
Cornwall Air Ambulance - positioning the target aircraft and background landscape can sometimes be tricky and getting the pilot to come in close can sometimes be a problem. This one was not - in fact I had to ask him to pull away - (and feeling an element of fear for the first time)
Defence School Squirrel over Berkshire
A few of the finished products - great design - pictures used well and nice and big - minimal copy!!


Photographs of helicopter operations commissioned by Bond Helicopters, Helikopter Services of Norway and Lloyd Helicopters taken in the UK, Norwa 자세히 보기
