Charmaine Esmeralda's profile

Global Climate Strike


I partnered with UC Irvine students in support of Greenpeace Advocacy campaigners in Orange County to make a visually pleasing information social media series to invite people in Orange County to join in on the strike.
As an environmentalist, I aim to create design that is for the benefit of the environment. With the Global Climate Strike, I wanted to create designs that will not only educate people about the status of our climate and what we're fighting for but I also want to present these information to invite more people into the movement. I believe that design has the power to make an impact in the world.

"With the consequences of climate change becoming ever more clear and dire with each passing day, a new powerful wave of the climate movement has been swelling up over the last couple of years. Young people around the world have been rising up to defend our future, and have been going on strike – every week, all over the planet – for months. On September 20, for the first time, the adults are joining us."
Led by a diverse coalition of youth-led and adult-led organizations, September 20 is an intergenerational day of striking that will launch an entire week of climate action across the world. Find out more about week of action here.

September 20 is only the beginning. We must carry this energy to the 2020 elections, and beyond to ensure real, bold action is taken to address the climate crises. This is history in the making, and it’s time we take back the narrative to save our futures.

Global Climate Strike

Global Climate Strike

I partnered with UC Irvine students in support of Greenpeace Advocacy campaigners in Orange County to make a visually pleasing information social Read More
