GNC Cinemas

Digital Content

Agency: Global
Client: GNC Cinemas
Content: Natália Ferraro, Eduarda Ruperti and Wagner Kowaleski
Art Direction: Natália Ferraro and Eduarda Ruperti
Copywriter: Wagner Kowaleski​​​​​​​
GNC Cinemas + Bib's

Com o objetivo de produzir conteúdos evidenciando a parceria exclusiva do Bib's nas bombonières do GNC Cinemas, criamos um personagem com a própria embalagem de Bib's, que posteriormente desdobramos unindo o personagem com os filmes em cartaz. O conteúdo foi utilizado, também, nas redes sociais oficiais do Bib's.

With the objective of creating content showing the exclusive partnership between Bib’s and the GNC Cinemas’ bombonières, we created a character with the Bib’s package itself. We later developed it by integrating him with the movies in theaters. The content was also used in Bib’s’ official social networks.
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GNC Cinemas


GNC Cinemas
