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交通大學傳播科技系 NCTU Department of Communication &Technology

NCTU Department of Communication &Technology 
Warm & Professional 

NCTU Department of Communication & Technology have high ratio of teachers and students and school-working and lessons were all great. The whole department was in good atmosphere, and teachers and students were all very energetic, these features set up a great basis for the department. Vision design designed the department's annual image in 2016, and introduced visual style with future trends.



Spreading portraits walking around the society are light-duty classes, professional and warm enthusiasm continuously spread information 24 hours a day and night, so that we can immediately know the world's events in one corner of the earth.


The 12 traits of communication "intersection, transmission, value-added, speed, connection, etc ..." are used to visualize these traits through design as a basic element of vision. ​​​​​​​


交通大學傳播科技系 NCTU Department of Communication &Technology
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交通大學傳播科技系 NCTU Department of Communication &Technology

國立交通大學傳播與科技學系以傳播專業知識和技能為基底,著重創新傳播科技的原理、運用與分析,終極目標為培養傳播領域的頂尖工作者與領導者。好視設計於2016年參與交通大學傳播科技系該年的形象規劃,導入符合未來趨勢潮流的視覺風格語彙。 Department of Communication & Daha Fazla Bilgi

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