Banco Gallego
According to Spain’s most important economic newspaper “Expansion”: “BANCO GALLEGO REINVENTED THE FINANCIAL MARKETING WITH LOPETEGUI DEPOSIT”.
Banco Gallego had a great product to offer – a 10% interest rate on deposits – but a modest advertising budget. It captivated the soccer-obsessed young market in Spain by “solving the mystery” of why a former national goalkeeper fainted on national television the year before. A viral campaign used the edited footage to show users that the star, Julen Lopetegui, had been looking at an ad announcing the annual 10% rate at Gallego. The “Lopetegui Deposit” not only reached 132% of its set goals for new clients and 157% for new deposits, but the campaign garnered huge press coverage.
For the first time in history, a Bank gave one of its products the name of a professional football player.
Gallego Bank. Lopetegui.

Gallego Bank. Lopetegui.

Publicidad lapa (Nonzioli dixit)


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