Littlesun Girl's profile

禮物還沒收到嗎? 原來聖誕老人還在路上 Santa is on the way...



Hmm, where is Santa? Let’s find the reason why he was late in the street of Taiwan. Maybe he just wanted to try some snacks and had a cup of bubble tea, or he needed to take a little rest by foot massage…… In this drawing we can find Santa with his buddies are doing something interesting in the street.
Let me eat some dish before setting off!

A poster said being ware of bad dogs...Ouch!
I want a bubble tea with low sugar and no ice thank you!

Hello! Your gift is on the way, it will be arrived after 30 minutes...
Here is your gift and Merry Christmas!

在地偏好 Topophilia Studio 出品 / Illustrated by Littlesungirl
尺寸: 14.8cm x 10.5cm
©2019 Topophilia Studio
禮物還沒收到嗎? 原來聖誕老人還在路上 Santa is on the way...

禮物還沒收到嗎? 原來聖誕老人還在路上 Santa is on the way...

由在地偏好工作室設計的「聖誕老人在路上」街景明信片套組熱騰騰上市,妳我不但可以在熟悉的台灣城市街景當中找到在送禮物(咦)的聖誕老公公,五張明信片合起來可以拼成一張漂亮的街景畫,很適合一張一張分送朋友或是整組收藏! Hmm, where is Santa? Let’s find the r Read More
