Luz de Barrio


Social design has become an important tool since it has the ability to give voice to those who are not heard. As graphic designers we have the opportunity to draw attention and fight against social problems. We decided to do something bigger than just a good aesthetic and to make design transcend through a good cause.

The main objective of this project was to provide Luz de Barrio, an association that helps young gang members through a continuous emotional support system, with design tools to empower gang values and break the stereotype that our community has towards them through an effective visual communication.

Luz de Barrio (Light of Neighborhood) got its name because light is a factor that changes life in Mexico’s most vulnerable communities. The young gang members usually break the lights in their neighborhood, this way nobody can see them doing rebellions. At the end of each cycle of workshops, Luz de Barrio gifts the neighborhood a lamppost as a symbol of their personal growth during the course. This new light reminds young people every day of the learning acquired in the workshops and that they are more capable than they think.

Luz de Barrio