Céline Kriebss profil

Archéologie imaginée - communication

Archéologie imaginée – concept + communication
graphic design, 2019

Archéologie imaginée is a project resulting from the meeting between two photographers and teachers from the ESAL (art school) and two archaeologists from the Ministry of Culture and Metz Métropole.
Flyers, posters, invitations, etc. for the two exhibitions Archéologie imaginée. The first one took place in June 2019 at the Porte des Allemands (Metz, France) and the second one at the museum La Cour d’Or in Metz from October 2019, the 16 until January 2020.
The summer edition was purple and pink...
 ...and the winter edition marine was blue and pink.
Photography used for the design by Tingting Wei (ESAL)
Typefaces: Karla (Jonathan Pinhorn) and Liquido (Alessandro Comotti) 
Discover more about this project on my website
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Archéologie imaginée - communication

Archéologie imaginée - communication

Flyers, posters, invitations, etc. for the two exhibitions Archéologie imaginée. The first one took place in June 2019 at the Porte des Allemands Läs mer
