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The Big Servus Christmas Book

For many of us, the topic of »Christmas« is full of family, emotions, smells, songs, childhood memories and traditions. When the days are the shortest, Christmas carols often enrich the long winter evenings. Out of this, author Sebastian Unterberger compiled »Das große Servus-Weihnachtsbuch« (»The Big Servus Christmas Book«) – a standard work for Christmas, comprising songs, customs, stories and poems for the festive season. All songs are set with a well playable and singable piano accompaniment as well as with guitar chords, complemented by traditonal recipes.

The book is divided into four main categories: »Advent«, »Christmas«, »Everything about the turn of the year« as well as »Recipes«. For these categories, we created a coherent overarching colour concept using the colours blue, red, green and purple. Within these categories, there is a varied thematic structuring of songs, poems and stories, which are, in turn, distinctly colour-coded: The stories are made to shine on atmospheric gold, the songs are placed on high-contrast white and the poems on the respective festive category colour. Using more than 3,000 minimalist ornaments unites tradition with modernity, providing a ceremonial setting for the topic of »Christmas«. We designed the book on behalf of the publishing house Servus Verlag by Benevento Publishing.

The Big Servus Christmas Book

The Big Servus Christmas Book
