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MPDA 10th Anniversary Invitational Exhibition

Macau Poster Design Association 
10th Anniversary Invitational Exhibition

Since it was established in 2009, Macau Poster Design Association has been organizing poster exhibitions and exhibiting local designers’ works not only in Macau, but also in other cities in Asia. The Association strives to promote Macau’s design culture, and to facilitate exchanges between the local and international design communities, by actively exploring diverse and innovative exhibition models.
To celebrate Macau Poster Design Association’s 10th anniversary, we’re inviting designers from around the world to join us and exhibit their posters at this “Happy Birthday” Exhibition. 
The exhibition will take place at.

Designed by @untitledmacao

MPDA 10th Anniversary Invitational Exhibition


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MPDA 10th Anniversary Invitational Exhibition

Since it was established in 2009, Macau Poster Design Association has been organizing poster exhibitions and exhibiting local designers’ works no Se mer
