(Not) A Chance

(Not) A Chance is a game made for the 11th Santa Maria Game Jam, with theme "Only One". This game is a multiplayer bullet hell with only one 'player'. The idea is that each player controls an "electronic component" of an arcade, and must work together to play that game and defeat the only one boss.

Our biggest challenge in this project was create an experience that was both challenging and nice to play using our initial idea. Because of the time we had to create this, we decided into create only one enemy, but with a little changes and polishing, we think that we could be able to add more enemies in the future.

The aesthetic is inspired in the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, and the sounds of the game were taken from it.

Name: (Not) A Chance
Release Date: November 10, 2019
Genre:  Action, Cooperative
Engine: Unity
Platforms: Windows, MacOS

Game Design: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes, Julick Coutinho, Rodrigo Marques
Programming: Julick Coutinho, Rodrigo Marques
Art: Bruno Gatiboni Carpes
Sound: Julick Coutinho (Editor), Neon Genesis Evangelion Animation (SFX), James Roach (Music - Cruel Angel's Thesis (8-bit mix))
Font: Peter Hull (VT323), Icelar (Evangelion)

Engine: Unity
Art: Procreate, Photoshop, Illustrator

(Not) A Chance

(Not) A Chance

This is a game made for the 11th Santa Maria Game Jam, with theme "Only One".
