Sketch Renditions
When perfection still is an understatement
I shall like to take this opportunity to showcase my ongoing sketches build up. Featuring works from humble sketches 3 years ago to just 1 week ago, this portfolio demonstrates my sketching capability as well as improvements.
Neue Klasse Rendition
Steampunk Airship Design
iPad quicksketch, 10 mins
Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Concept
Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Concept
Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II concept
Project MORADE- A revolutionary portable iron box.
Project MORADE- A revolutionary portable iron box.
Project MORADE- A revolutionary portable iron box.
Project MORADE- A revolutionary portable iron box.
Project MORADE- A revolutionary portable iron box.
Form exploration
Hairdryer sketch
Hairdryer sketch
Iron Box concept
Radio clock form exploration
Porsche Design P'7222
Porsche Design P'7522
Sketch Renditions
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