Dani Evstratenko's profile

40 Mile Boating Animation

40 Mile Boating
Each year The Connection, a non-profit organization based in Medicine Hat, is hosting an event at the 40 Mile lake. People attending the event get to enjoy boating and kayaking at the lake, playing outdoor games and having bbq, all provided by volunteers from The Connection.
I was asked to create promotional material prior to the event in June 2019, by using last's year photos and anything else I could come up with.
I began exploring different ideas and decided to create a short animation to be used as the main advertising for the event as the event was happening in the summer and had to show simply what the event was about. I created additional graphics to be used on social media incorporating graphic design and motion graphics, that were used on Instagram and Facebook, which were the main social platforms the organization used for social media and advert
40 Mile Boating Animation

40 Mile Boating Animation

40 Mile boating event digital promotion
