step 1_ after drawing the sketch I started choosing a color palette for the skin
step 2_ then I defined body parts and a cool pink punk hair style
step 3_ focusing on the face makeup and features details
step 4_ here I started to detail with a small hard brush the hair after choosing a proper  pink color palette
step 5_ started thinking about adding cool stuff, hat and tats
step 6_ changed my idea about the "bird hat" so I picked a steampunk styled one! :)
step 7_ tats and other accessories
here's the final preview, I sent Sarah color variations of her portrait so she could choose better! (that's the best part of working with digital art, you can always find the perfect tones&colors)
hope you enjoyed this project, 'cause I got lots of fun doing it! so stay tuned I will be upload the final chosen version! :)
I was so happy to have my first portrait commission from a real pin up! so that's why I decided to show you the work in progress of what I created for her, she's a pin up photographer and has a cool studio and portfolio, you could meet her at: 
hope you like it!
Giulio Rossi
Sarah Kraus Portrait

Sarah Kraus Portrait

portrait commission for Sarah Kraus
