For My degree show, I aimed to capture human expression by examining imagery and sources of people under the influence of alcohol or other substances because of their unaware state and exaggerated expression. These paintings document individuals experiencing real life situations instead of staged poses because I believe their body language is more interesting. 
I have also been fascinated with creating dreamscapes in my art and I have used this to create imagery to represent an altered state of consciousness for the individual and the emotions they express. I believe that the more realistic images of the people and objects provide an interesting contrast to their surreal space
Watercolour on card.
Price: 70
Watercolour on card.
Price: 70
Name. Untitled. Series of Heads
Medium: Pen, Ink, Pencil.
Price: 70 each.
Name: Untitled/ Heads
Medium: Oil on Linen. 
Price: Sold.
Name: them
dimensions: 3ftx 2ft
Medium: Oil On canvas
Price: 450.
Name: The Recipie
Dimensions: 3ft x 2ft.
Medium: Oil on Colour.
Price: Not for Sale.
Dimensions: 4ftx 3ft
Medium: Oil on canvas.
Price: 700
Name: Unafraid To Linger.
Dimensions: 4ftx 3ft
Medium: Oil on Canvas. 
Price: 700 
Degree Show 2013

Degree Show 2013

This was my final year project in the Limerick School Of Art & Design.
