Developed by me and Ana Rita Teodoro, this exercise aimed to articulate and synthesize the ideas that resulted of what was studied during the second semester of our graduation year in University, and the work of R. Buckminster Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (1969). With the Manual as a starting point, an approach was made using different analogies and visual metaphors, which resulted in an experimental interpretation of the studied subjects.
As an inspiration to this project we looked at the book I Seem to Be a Verb, by Buckminster Fuller and Quentin Fiore, in order to achieve something that would work as 'visual writing' of Fuller's text and allowed an attitude of interference, and ultimately led to subjective interpretations.
The goal was to create two spreads that would later become a part of a publication that brought together the projects of the entire class. The main idea we wanted to represent is that basically humankind is nothing but dispensable and does not play an essential part in the well-being of nature and the environment, on the contrary, it is actually harmful. We chose to incorporate some quotes of the movies The 11th Hour (2007) by Leila and Nadia Conners and Home (2009) by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
May 2012
Planet Fuller

Planet Fuller

Two spreads basically represent humankind as nothing but dispensable. It is suggested that it does not play an essential part in the well-being o Läs mer


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