Ding Li Feng Packaging Design


Perfect Toffee
Crisp biscuit is a blend of creamy toffee and milk, enjoy the rcih flavor in evey bite. With a soft texture,it is a favorite snack for all ages.

鼎立豐  太妃餅年節禮盒

Ding Li Feng
Our client, Ding Li Feng - From the production to the sales, we conducted a series of the brand image of the packaging design. 
We plan and developed a concept of an unconventional Chinese gift box, introducing a trendy and recognizable packaging design to target the Western and Young Asian markets. 
The visual of the packaging design is based on the simplified analysis of plant elements to emphasizing the nature and the value of the ingredients by making the product. To enhance the visual, we used contrast color to bring out the vision between packaging and gift/collections. As a decorative, we also use gold stamping to bring out the 3D vision as well as a highlight of the gift box. We aim to distribute the unique but artistic packaging design.

鼎立豐 - 從事餅乾製作和銷售,我們執行品牌形象至一系列的包裝設計。

高貴雅緻 | 清新脫俗

Creative Director | 林委呈
Designer | 林委呈&楊雅妃
Photographer | Férguson Chang
Print | 金彩包裝
Client | 鼎立豐 DING LI FENG

All Rights Reserved Design by K9 Design.

Ding Li Feng Packaging Design

Ding Li Feng Packaging Design

鼎立豐 - 從事餅乾製作和銷售,我們執行品牌形象至一系列的包裝設計。 跳脫傳統中式禮盒設計風格,以搶眼色彩融合西方美學與東方古典,以東西方結合為概念勾勒出現代化的時尚美感。 高貴雅緻 | 清新脫俗 包裝視覺以植物的元素簡化分析繪製,以圓潤曲線加深典雅韻味,運用對比色強化整體視覺,賦予禮盒 Read More
