The Seven Sins
I developed a series of seven graphic compositions that communicate closely to the seven sins which are: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. I also wrote a short paragraph for each sin to explain my reasoning behind the photos I have chosen. Theres a total of 20 pages that was sent off to be digitally printed by the Newspaper Club on 55gsm paper.
To see my process, click HERE.
For the cover, I knew I wanted to do something with a hand painted black from seeing some on my Pinterest feed one day. I took this photo hoping it'll look as if a demon is grabbing the man and his soul is burning from his body. 
For lust, I wanted to use the eyes at the bottom and the imagery behind it to represent the thoughts of a lustful person. After a couple attempts I finally came to this finished project.
For greed, I used two skeletons from the chiropractor in town. One dressed up to look poor but has a lot of money to represent a rich person that is SO rich that they go out of their way to look poor to get more money. 
For wrath, I had my brother look as if his hand is breaking the glass. I used red acrylic paint and some red water made from food coloring as the blood. I broke the glass from an old picture frame and scanned that along with a fisr
The Seven Sins

The Seven Sins

The Seven Sins. This is a project I did in my technical processing class at JCCC.
