Norma Chavez's profile

What the Duck | Website

What the Duck is a fictitious family-friendly website that aims to inform the public about ducks. The information ranges from duck dietary information, types of ducks, locations and much more. 

In order to make this site a reality, thorough research and planning was done prior to the coding so that the website embodies the look and feel it was going for. In addition, the website is also responsive so that it can be accessed anywhere, anytime. 

Currently there are three pages (home, diet, and contact) made.
The backbone to any web-related project. Code was done with mobile-first in mind, but these helped out in arranging content and preparing for tablet and desktop. The order these wireframes appear are:

1. Desktop
2. Tablet
3. Mobile
Minor changes were made between the time the wireframes and finals were created. These changes were done due to my amount of coding experience or for a better website layout.
What the Duck | Website


What the Duck | Website

What the Duck is a responsive website created for GIT 414: Website Design. The website was worked on for the duration of the semester. It involve Read More
