The Spielzeugmuseum/Toy Museum in Salzburg invites young and old alike to the colourful world of playing. The primary focus is on experiencing and giving things a try. While the ground floor invites visitors to roll around, balance and be amazed, the first floor offers a varied world full of the most different toys to look at – many things are deliberately on children’s eye level – and to touch.

The special exhibition »Roll it!« presents a whole world on wheels. A range of vehicles including wooden scooters, sliding boards and many more wait for the little visitors to roll them through the exhibition – an eventful race track leads them through tunnel and gate. Those who don’t want to give things a try themselves can watch the mega toy railway doing its rounds.

For the exhibition graphics, we play with various round details of the architecture. The circle is the central design element, realised in the shape of overly large revolving discs, mirrors and magnets. These components are complemented by generous typography, which follows the focus on the round running like a thread through the whole exhibition architecture. In combination with illustrations by Gastón Gordon, the visitors are made familiar with the presented information in a playful way.

Roll it!