Say hi to Dugong! Here she is with her friends which are Golden Trevally.
Though she is always in the water, she still needs to go up to the surface to breathe.
Dugong love warm water, and seagrass! They love eating it so much they can eat up to 30 kilograms a day.
Do you know someone related to Dugong? No not your brother, the Manatee! You can tell the difference by looking at their tails.

Which one is the Dugong?
Unfortunately there are not many Dugong left now in the Philippines. And throughout the Dugong's range, a variety of dangers such as boat propellers and hunters threaten their survival.
Luckily, Tagbanwa communities in Northern Palawan are working to conserve them. They call them Duyong.

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Say hi to Dugong!


Say hi to Dugong!
