BLS AIR, is a product service system that monitors and manages the amount of inhaled polluted air  indoor and outdoor. The project connects a private domestic filtration system, a mask for the outdoor air filtering and a centralized air filters installed inside public spaces involved in the project.

The user can control his own level of inhaled polluted air (API INDEX) which is based on an algorithm that calculates how long the user is exposed to contaminants, the type of the agents themselves and the intensity of breath.
The projet has been exhibited at Triennale Milano from 3th May to 1st September 2013
Due to it's simplicity, the mask is foldable and always ready to be used.
The exhausted filtering body can be easily detached and replaced with a brand new one.
The elastic arc-like structure, made by silicon, contains a bluetooth dongle which allows the user to easily parry the device to his own phone and check the status of the air he is breathing.
BLS air 2013