Rafie Matassans profil

Identity Theft Awareness Advertisement Assignment

Emotional Engineering Assignment on
Awareness Advertisement: Identity Theft

The storyline is basically the victim was focused in doing his work in a classroom that filled with the other classmates until his phone alarm rings that he set to remind him to pay his WIFI bills, and the theft was initially wondering around until he saw the victim was in a process of accessing the website to pay the bill online. From there the theft has the malicious intention to steal and use his credential for his own use. Then when the victim is in the process of entering his credit card credential, the theft immediately acts by looking the surrounding first and when he saw the others are occupied with their own work, he did shoulder surfing to take picture of the victim’s credit card details.
Once he got it, the theft used the stolen information to purchase things online that total up to XXX BND without the knowledge of the victim. Then, several days after, once the bank finally deducted the money from the victim’s bank, the victim received the automated text message from the bank that XXX BND has been deducted from his account after a purchased has been made. The victim then wonders when he purchased something other than paying his bills, after the thought of that, he suddenly realized that his credit card information has been stolen and became the victim of identity theft.
This assignment requires us to create a short awareness video on on the current social issues in Brunei. It is requested from IT Protective Security Solutions Sdn.Bhd to produce a 30 secs video and the social issues chosen is Identity Theft.

The problems on the social awareness campaign in Brunei currently in regard to identity theft is basically only Brunei Computer Emergency Response Team (BRUCERT) create the campaign so far where they collaborate with University Teknologi Brunei to produce various awareness videos and identity theft is one of them and it is usually created by the students from the Creative Computing programme. Other than that, according to Shamsul Bahri bin Haji Kamis, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or ITPSS / BRUCERT, there have not been any noticeable awareness being raised or done by the other Non – profit organizations (NGO), other government and private sectors. This can lead to lack of knowledge on the danger on the public safety on their keeping their personal information safe as they are still prone to not only physical but also online identity theft.

Film Semiotics
Basically in the first scene of this short film, the recording session was made with a lot of people in the frame that portrays the situation happened in public space no matter where the area is and the theft can be anyone amongst the public and we do not know who is the actual thieve and really hard to track them down as they are using someone’s data, the color setting is more towards dark to portray the small thrill of the theft approaching the victim and supported by the black hoodie worn by the villain symbolizes evil where it indicates that he is the theft and approaching the victim which is identified by his white laptop that symbolizes the good and innocence of the victim in this film and the other person who wears red in the frame to show that there is incoming danger into the scene especially to the victim and this also connotes that the danger of any public can become the thieve as mentioned earlier. The first scene ends with sudden transition to black which this connotes that the image successfully captured by the theft and this gives space for the entrance of the ending scene.

The second scene is where the victim realized that his identity is stolen, this time he wears black to represent his sadness and letting the blue door in the frame to connote the depression state of the victim and assisted more with the color correction for this part to be dull and gloomy to portray the sadness and depression of his identity to be stolen through the use of technology even further. The angle used for this shot is to show his expression as well from and angle instead of directly in front as it looks awkward because the camera movement is following the victim so it would look more natural that way instead of using static camera shot.

Identity Theft Awareness Advertisement Assignment

Identity Theft Awareness Advertisement Assignment


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