I was approached by local New Zealand band Wilderness Love to create an identity / branding package for them and their launch within the local music industry.
Wilderness Love wanted to convey their theme and band calling of "going in search of new things, new sounds, blazing a trail and going where no man has gone before." Thus a compass logo and vintage visual aesthetic was developed for their branding.
I also encouraged them to begin to take hold of their social media presence and start people/fans using the hashtag #wearewilderness as a way of encouraging interactivity between the fans and band members
I was their art director, campaign manager, social media director, photographer and designer. This is an ongoing job and it constantly involves travelling, shooting live gigs and acting as a creative liason for their niche "creative installations" at their live evenings.
Pictured here is the identity and subsequent branding (campaigns, live installation art etc)
Wilderness Love

Wilderness Love

The final outcomes + ongoing project relationship between Number Ninety Two Studio and Wilderness Love Music
