Todos os dias promovemos o acesso à alimentação saudável, servindo refeições, sanduíches, doces, saladas, frutas e bebidas, valorizando a cultura regional e as boas conversas à mesa. São 12 restaurantes, 45 cafeterias, 15 cafés teatro, 12 lanchonetes piscina/ginásio, somando 84 espaços em 39 unidades. Qual seu cantinho preferido?

Every day we promote access to healthy eating, serving meals, sandwiches, sweets, salads, fruits, and drinks, enhancing the regional culture and good table conversations. There are 12 restaurants, 45 cafes, 15 theater cafes, 12 pool/gym cafes, totaling 84 spaces in 39 units. What's your favorite spot?

Client: Sesc São Paulo
Copywriter: Luciana Elaiuy
Illustration and animation: Papanapa
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Sesc Comedoria


Sesc Comedoria

Every day we promote access to healthy eating, serving meals, sandwiches, sweets, salads, fruits, and drinks, enhancing the regional culture and Read More
