Profil appartenant à Neuma Studio

SCAT School of Catholic Arts

SCAT / School of Catholic Arts and Theology
Es una academia enfocada a niños, adolescentes y jóvenes que desean dedicarse a la música de forma profesional.
La marca busca brindar una experiencia integral y relevante donde las personas puedan inspirarse y reconectarse con la belleza, verdad y bondad.

Está en constante movimiento, aprecia la hermosura de la música pero también estar a solas en el silencio. Transforma el mundo e impacta su entorno por medio de la verdad objetiva y la conciliación de la creación con su Creador a través de la música. Es un artista, innovador e inventor. Crea valor duradero a través de la imaginación y creatividad promoviendo la auto-expresión de sus estudiantes con una cultura creativa y desarrollo de habilidades.

El sistema gráfico representa, de manera abstracta, el movimiento, sensaciones, y tonalidades de la música, así como su mismo dinamismo y efimeridad, en donde se propone reflejar solidez, valentía, estimulando la confianza en sus estudiantes a través de su conocimiento y profesionalismo, empatía y humanidad.

SCAT / School of Catholic Arts and Theology
Is an academy focused on children, teenagers and young people who want to dedicate themselves to music in a professional way.
He seeks to provide a comprehensive and relevant experience where people can be inspired and reconnect with beauty, truth and kindness.

The brand, just as music is in constant motion, appreciates the beauty of music but also being alone in the silence. He transforms the world and impacts their surroundings through the objective truth and the reconciliation of reation with its Creator through music. Artist, innovator and inventor. Creates an everlasting value through imagination and creativity by promoting the self-expression of his students with a creative culture and skills development.

The graphic system, in an abstract way, represents the movement, sensations, and tonalities of music, as well as dynamism and ephemerality, where it is proposed to reflect solidity, courage, stimulating confidence in his students through his knowledge and professionalism, empathy and humanity.

SCAT School of Catholic Arts
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SCAT School of Catholic Arts

Is an academy focused on children, teenagers and young people who want to dedicate themselves to music in a professional way. He seeks to provide Lire la suite

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