Instituto Burle Marx

The challenge of representing one of the most recognized Brazilian artists in the world. Burle Marx (1909—1994) was one of the most inspiring figures of our time in terms of sustainability. We at Tátil partnered with his newfound institute and contributed to the creation of its brand and visual identity. Our work has been designed to preserve the relevance of his valuable thoughts, ideas and teachings that generate shared value and positively impact the future of our planet.

O desafio de representar um dos artistas brasileiros mais reconhecidos no mundo. Burle Marx (1909—1994) foi uma das figuras mais inspiradoras do nosso tempo, no que diz respeito a pensamento sustentável. Fomos parceiros do seu instituto e contribuímos para a evolução da sua marca e linguagem. Nosso trabalho foi todo pensado para manter a relevância de pensamentos, ideias e ensinamentos valiosos, que geram valor compartilhado e impactam positivamente o futuro do planeta.

In late 2018 we became involved in the creation of a visual identity for the upcoming Burle Marx Institute. Its goal, to raise awareness for the importance of Roberto Burle Marx’s contribution to the world and to echo the living art of his creative genius. 

Burle Marx wasn’t just an exponent in architecture and landscape design; he was one of the greatest Brazilian artists of his time. His work was precursor of a type of art that shelters, shapes and transforms urban nature. How do you create a symbol for a man who has created so many?

Our process became an immersive, almost academic research into Burle Marx’s vast body of work, ethos and philosophy. The result was a unique, full bodied, and vivacious brand and custom typeface.


Lauro Cavalcanti, architect and scholar on Burle Marx, has said that “to study Burle Marx’s work is like looking back at a rich past while seeing new horizons open up”. I consider this to be an accurate description of how this project has felt, as the immersive research into his work (and a fair share of trial and error) has led to unique design insights for the logo and its new custom typeface. 

The Burle Marx Institute, like its new typeface, came to life to echo the art of this creative genius. __________ O Instituto Burle Marx, assim como a sua nova tipografia, nasce para dar eco à arte desse gênio criador.

Creative Direction: Fred Gelli, Ricardo Bezerra
Design & Type Design: Daniel Escudeiro
Type Production: Lucas Azevedo
3D light motion: Paulo Ferreira

Prémios Lusófonos — Grand Prix (Branding) · 2020
Prémios Lusófonos — Grand Prix (Typography) · 2020
El Ojo de Iberoamerica — Bronze (Branding) · 2020
Cresta Awards — Bronze (Typography) · 2020
D&Ad — Wood Pencil (Branding) · 2020
Latin American Design Awards — Gold + Best of Show (Typography) · 2019
13ª Bienal Brasileira de Design Gráfico [Brazilian Biennale] — Destaque (Typography) · 2019
Brasil Design Awards — Gold + Grand Prix (Typography) · 2019
Brasil Design Awards — Silver (Branding) · 2019

Bonus: Friday Likes @ Brand New ;) 

Instituto Burle Marx

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Instituto Burle Marx

The challenge of representing one of the most recognized Brazilian artists in the world. Burle Marx was one of the most inspiring figures of our Se mer
