金曲30 GMA30 - motion design & developments

感謝JL Design的邀請,這是我第三次參與金曲獎的典禮影像製作。
在2019年的金曲30中,我主要負責開發利薩茹曲線工具,以及Logo Bumper的動態設計。

Thanks to JL Design, this is my third time being part of the motion design team of the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony.
In GMA 30 (2019) I am mainly responsible for developing the Lissajous Tool , and motion designing the Logo Bumper.

下方影片為Logo Bumper的動態設計演變過程。
The video below shows the motion design process of the Logo Bumper animation.
利薩茹曲線是金曲30的核心設計概念,而由我負責開發的利薩茹曲線工具(下圖gif),是金曲30主要使用的內部工具之一。它被廣泛地應用在Logo Bumper、舞台設計和入圍者影片等地方。讓設計團隊能更方便地產生各種類型的利薩茹曲線。


The Lissajous curve is the core idea of GMA 30. For this reason, my Lissajous Tool (the gif below) is universally used for creating animated curves in logo bumper, stage, nominee videos, and lower third, etc., saved tons of time for the motion design team.

Unlike the XPresso driven sound reacting curves I did in GMA 26 (2015), the Lissajous curve is a bit more complex, which includes multiple trigonometric functions, and many other variables. So I used a little bit python scripts, rather than only using XPresso, to better controlling each point on the curve.​​​​​​​
(下圖) 維基百科上關於利薩茹曲線的條目,以及我在C4D內部使用Python Effector製作的利薩茹曲線工具。
(below) The Lissajous curve page on Wikipedia, and my Lissajous Tool developed with Python Effector in C4D.
The Lissajous Plugin for C4D devloped by Mos is available now, please visit the link below.

為了減少手工處理遮罩的不便,和節省製作時間,我選擇直接在C4D內部處理每條曲線和它們的遮罩。為此,我做了一個可以將任何曲線,根據攝影機位置,投影在平面上的Spline Projection工具。下面入圍者影片中的每一條曲線,都是利薩茹工具和Spline Projection工具的產物。

About two weeks before the ceremony, I and a few motion designers were sent to support the nominee videos, which were still really awful. Most of the nominee videos transitions design were remade by us. For time-saving reasons, I developed another way to render all the required curves and mattes right in C4D, also the Spline Projection Tool.
除了利薩茹曲線工具,我還製作了好幾個工具。下面展示的是Helix工具以及Spline Projection工具。

Helix工具用來產生靈活的螺旋線,主要用在那些無法符合利薩茹曲線的設計上,Logo Bumper的縱向曲線以及Lower Third的曲線就是使用Helix工具製作的。上面也有提到過的Spline Projection工具,可以根據攝影機的位置,將任何曲線投影在平面上,主要用來製作遮罩,和在3d內部挖去不想要的部分。

Besides The Lissajous Tool, the gif below shows the Helix Tool and Spline Projection Tool that I made for GMA 30.

The Helix Tool is used to generate curves that are more flexible, and are not Lissajous curves. It is used to create the vertical curves in Logo Bumper, and the curves in Lower Third.

The Spline Projection Tool which also mentioned above is used to project any curves on a plane, according to the camera position. It is mainly used to make mattes and remove unwanted parts inside 3d.

Thanks for watching! I had a lot of fun working in the GMA 30 project. For sure there were painful moments during production. But anyway, I learned a lot in this project. And went to a lot of coasts to see the ocean, mostly the Pacific. LOL!
Logo Credit
視覺影像統籌 Creative Agency: JL DESIGN
主視覺設計 Key Visual Designer:
洪湘茹 Hsiang Ju Hung、陳施澄 Kelsie Chan、方智弘 Ivan Fang、林殷正 Yin-Cheng Lin

Logo Bumper & Logo Loop Motion Design
劉瓅涵 Hank Liu、高明碩 Ming-Shuo Kao、鄭盛文 Mos Zheng

Lissajous Curve Tool and other Tools Developments
劉瓅涵 Hank Liu
Full Credit
客戶 Client:文化部 Ministry of Culture
典禮總統籌 Event Production:源活 YOUNG HOPE
視覺總監 Executive Creative Director : 羅申駿 JL
視覺影像統籌 Creative Agency: JL DESIGN
監製 Executive Producer:巫安琪 Angela Moo、蔡卓翰 Johan Tsai
專案總監 Head of Project Management :蔡佳穎 Chia Ying Tsai
創意總監 Creative Director:蔡旻驊 David Tsai
副創意總監 Associate Creative Director:魏良恩 Lance Wei
美術指導 Art Director:洪湘茹 Hsiang Ju Hung
製作統籌 Project Manager:林志翰 Ryan Lin
製作群 Production Staff:
陳品聿 Carol Chen、黃婷鈺 Tingyu Huang、蔡潔凡 Tracy Tsai、 許雅婷 Yating Hsu、吳欣鎂 XingMei Wu、凃家暄 Tweety Tu、
張玉典 Dan Zhang、黃銘彰 Mingchan Huang、蘇怡如 Ruby Su、Abel Lim、Aidil HaKim
主視覺設計 Key Visual Designer:
洪湘茹 Hsiang Ju Hung、陳施澄 Kelsie Chan、方智弘 Ivan Fang、林殷正 Yin-Cheng Lin
設計師 Designer&動畫師 Animator:
林殷正 Yin-Cheng Lin、劉瓅涵 Hank Liu、高明碩 Ming-Shuo Kao、林俊德 Junde Lin、鄭盛文 Mos Zheng、許峻良 Jim Hsu、
黃威凱 WeiKai Huang、何佳珍 Cathy Ho
3D R&D :劉瓅涵 Hank Liu

JL DESIGN(林殷正、劉瓅涵、高明碩、林俊德、鄭盛文、何佳珍)
二棲設計有限公司(林呈軒、藍庭筠、陳芊涵、李欣頻、林昕、張雅晴、施亦晴、李丞平、廖浩辰、呂亭葳、陳柏尹、拉瓦、詹子岳、飛豬、呂貽雯 、黃思倩、鄭利豐)
Muzixiii Studio(曹書睿、李芹羽、白宗穎、游家廳、江美嫻)

舞台視覺設計:MixCode Studio(柯鈞譯 、李孟栩、陳安、簡一盛、林芷君)​​​​​​​

客戶 Client:文化部 Ministry of Culture
典禮總統籌 Event Production:源活 YOUNG HOPE
視覺總監 Executive Creative Director : 羅申駿 JL
視覺影像統籌 Creative Agency: JL DESIGN
監製 Executive Producer:巫安琪 Angela Moo、蔡卓翰 Johan Tsai
專案總監 Head of Project Management :蔡佳穎 Chia Ying Tsai
創意總監 Creative Director:蔡旻驊 David Tsai
副創意總監 Associate Creative Director:魏良恩 Lance Wei
美術指導 Art Director:洪湘茹 Hsiang Ju Hung
製作統籌 Project Manager:林志翰 Ryan Lin
製作群 Production Staff:
陳品聿 Carol Chen、黃婷鈺 Tingyu Huang、蔡潔凡 Tracy Tsai、 許雅婷 Yating Hsu、吳欣鎂 XingMei Wu、凃家暄 Tweety Tu、
張玉典 Dan Zhang、黃銘彰 Mingchan Huang、蘇怡如 Ruby Su、Abel Lim、Aidil HaKim
主視覺設計 Key Visual Designer:
洪湘茹 Hsiang Ju Hung、陳施澄 Kelsie Chan、方智弘 Ivan Fang、林殷正 Yin-Cheng Lin
設計師 Designer&動畫師 Animator:
林殷正 Yin-Cheng Lin、劉瓅涵 Hank Liu、高明碩 Ming-Shuo Kao、林俊德 Junde Lin、鄭盛文 Mos Zheng、許峻良 Jim Hsu、
黃威凱 WeiKai Huang、何佳珍 Cathy Ho
金曲30 GMA30 - motion design & developments

金曲30 GMA30 - motion design & developments

The motion design progress and tool developments for Golden Melody Awards Ceremony 2019. GMA is the largest music awards in Taiwan and the Mandar Mehr anzeigen
