Профиль Nazish M.

E-cigarette is becoming most Popular among young people

Hot Topic among Young People
E-Cigarette-Causes to Smoke and Suggestions to Quit

From the year 2014, the trend of the use of e-cigarettes has been increasing rapidly. Between the years 2017 and 2018, around 1.5 million youngsters have become addicted to an e-cigarette. There is an urgent need to educate the youth and let them know regarding the harmful effects.

There are many factors which cause the use of e-cigarette among youth. The foremost cause is Advertisement. The advertisement of the product on Television, Newspapers, Magazines, and Social Media does not mention the harmful effects of using e-Cigarette, therefore; the majority of the users do not know about the use of Nicotine. Rather, young people adopt eye-candy things very quickly and easily through a clever advertisement.

If you ask young people for smoking they mostly believe that regular cigarette is harmful and can lead to death but they are not that aware of the e-cigarette which contains nicotine and does the same as s regular cigarette. Unfortunately, the students have not got that education regarding a particular subject. There has been a lot of causes and even the causes are increasing due to poor control.

Secondly, the cause of using e-Cigarette is Friend's suggestion. Mainly, in schools, Sports, and other gatherings the friends suggest each other regarding the new things they tried and had fun. Without knowing the dangers of using an e-cigarette, the youth is suggesting each other to use an e-cigarette.

For example, creating a scenario of two friends to make it clearer,
John asked Smith, "Hey! What are you doing with this small device"?
Smith replied "Its an e-cigarette, yeah! Really, entertaining as well as fun".
John excited to get one and try! This is how the cycle continues and takes very little time to get more users.

Thirdly, those who are already addicted to tobacco (Cigarette) are also prone to use the e-cigarette. This is another cause of smoking e-Cigarette, therefore; it is quite easier for them to become addicted of e-cigarette even knowing the fact that the nicotine is harmful but the smokers have not been educated well to know about the major effects.

The other major cause behind smoking an e-Cigarette is the shape. E-Cigarette looks like a USB device, pen, highlighters or debit card. Consequently, it is easy to carry e-cigarette everywhere whether in a classroom or gatherings. This is why the e-cigarette has become often sold product amount the young people.

Moreover, it is important to know that most parents forbid their children from smoking. The easy availability of the product in the market and its shape encourage the youth towards smoking. A young girl or a boy can even use an e-cigarette in front of their parents who restricted due to the reason that it can be bought in a USB shape. While using a laptop, a child can put the e-cigarette in a USB port and smoke. Even if the parents are watching their kids, they are unable to analyze. 

It is, therefore; confirmed that restrictions and forceful acts cannot make young people convinced but educational awareness. It is due to the reason that causes are very strong that can only be understood through a proper awareness strategy.
Children follow their parents, and how about when one their parent is addicted to nicotine? Family background matters a lot. As a kid who has been watching his or her father smoking would follow and wishes to do the same. Unlike those who do not have smokers in the family can limit or even quit smoking.

In this era of Social Media, every youngster wishes to be the Centre of attention and, therefore; they show their bold lifestyles using such harmful and dangerous things. This cause of smoking e-cigarette is growing among young people.

Solution and Suggestions
The only solution to control this rapid growth in smoking e-Cigarette is awareness among young people. During school hours or in the community events, there should be programs organized for the awareness and letting youth know about the harmful effects of smoking an e-cigarette. By no means, the drug is entertaining or fun rather those who use tobacco should be educated to "Commit to Quit".

In schools, there should be a subject regarding the harmful effects of tobacco (nicotine). The subject should have theoretical awareness through lectures and homework should be done through assignments and presentation.
Furthermore, there should be a student's visit to rehabilitation centers where the young and old people are struggling to quit smoking. It will make them aware of what harm an e-cigarette can cause and how people are dealing with it. Their views to discourage smoking an e-cigarette will leave a great impact on youth. Nevertheless, this would be a practical approach to see the future consequences of smoking e-cigarette.

In summation, this would be the best approach to educate the youth regarding the harmful effects of smoking e-Cigarette. Ultimately, there will be a reduction in the number of e-cigarette smokers and there the goal that will be achieved to aware youth regarding the harmful effects of smoking an e-cigarette.

Cahn Z., Siegel M., (2011), Electronic Cigarettes as a Harm Reduction Strategy for Tobacco Control: A Step Forward or a Repeat of Past Mistakes?, Journal of Public Health Policy. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/jphp.2010.41. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

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                                    Nazish Marui

E-cigarette is becoming most Popular among young people


E-cigarette is becoming most Popular among young people

The E-cigarette is the favourite smoking tool for young people due to its design and flavours-Stop Yourself From the most Dangerous thing known a Развернуть


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