ASHIN MUNNU K's profile

Poem Illustration

 Agha Shahid Ali

      ‘NO’ strongly talks about the poverty and starvation of happiness on this biosphere.the lines of the poem are the words of nature or the soul of life which never dreamt of hurting anything/anyone. The day when the last speck of happiness disappears from the earth,he/she goes to infinite sky in search of happiness. He/she caught a colorful rainbow and separated the colours from it which depicts the diversity of life. Though it was separated from all the Poisson and evilness(blue and green),it tasted bitter!The poet shares the bitter Tears tears of earth which spreads even in the sky. The steams of blood, The scream of roaring pen, The silence of children, The shouts of weapons, The cry of the mother, And the thirst of the human kind! Yeah,the earth is the most disturbing and the dangerous place on earth! Now we know what ‘NO’ wants us to know. The reports of Alan kurdies,terrorism,murders of the intellectuals,laugh of capitalism,cry of polar bears and the starvation the human kind are some new lessons and a very late reminder for all of us.
Depicting all these anger,sadness and hope into paper with images was an entirely new experience . Breaking all the walls which restrict your brain ,hand and pencil will lead you where you actually belong to. The switching of mind from drawing what we all see to what we feel was something new.we need the strength Of abstraction to denote the stronger thoughts.the journey from drawing physically existing scenario to the drawings of Thought made me feel free to connect my hands with the head.

Poem Illustration

Poem Illustration

Poem Illustration
