Daniel Bateman profili

Unilever Wall's Infinite Conference

In 2018 Unilever Wall's had a global drive on "purpose" throughout their business.  They wanted to show how ice cream is not only a tasty treat, but how it can make a difference across the world, from small business owners in Nigeria, to coastal communities in Spain.

Attended by heads of each market, in March 2018 they held an international conference in Istanbul where several programs and schemes would be unveiled.  The conference was titled Wall's Infinite. The brief was to design the entire event and create all relevant artwork to theme the conference.  

As the Account Manager I worked closely with the client to understand the intricacies of the conference content and Wall's Infinite programs.  We subsequently developed 3 overarching themed pillars - Empower Me, Grow Me, and Develop Me - and then created a breakout area for each with bespoke content based around the relevant programs.

We also created video content and produced the session presentations (co-wrote content and designed) for each pillar breakout area.
To kick-start the day, I managed the production of a 1:50 intro video that delegates watched before breaking off in to the workshop areas.  It introduced the 3 pillars of Wall's Infinite and outlined what each sets out to achieve. 
Empower Me Breakout Area
The Empower Me pillar is based around developing communities in deprived or isolated areas.  They did this by running community programs such as a Beach Clean-ups, which were targeted at areas of high unemployment.
Grow Me Breakout Area
This pillar is focussed toward small business owners and providing them with the skills to grow and upscale their businesses.  This could be with finance training such as helping owners manage their books, to increasing sales via visual merchandising or POS promotions.
Develop Me Breakout Area
The third pillar focusses on the employees of a small business. It looks at ways to help employees manage challenging situations enabling them to perform better in workplace.  Situations such as helping working parents with child care, or employee health check-ups such as eye tests.
A2 Sign-up Boards
 The idea of the conference was to firstly unveil the new global purpose programs, but secondly to sign-up markets on the day.  To encourage participation I suggested a sign-up board in each breakout area so the presenters can sign-up markets whilst interest levels are high.   
Unilever Wall's Infinite Conference
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Unilever Wall's Infinite Conference

Marketing collateral to support the international Unilever Wall's Infinite conference in Istanbul.

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