Perfil de Anxo Vizcaíno

Tantrum #6

I had the chance to make this set of illustrations for the 6th issue of Tantrum, the "magazine of extraordinary stories". It's a lovely small magazine published in Spain and developed by Impresiones Privadas. It consists of four short sci-fi stories and some extra cool stuff. Had some fun working on these!
Cris Jurado - Abrir en caso de apocalipsis
Sam G.C. - Edolón Zero (Parte 3)
Santi Eximeno - Lo familiar
Tomás Rivera - Su opinión es importante para nosotros
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Tantrum #6


Tantrum #6

I had the chance to make this set of illustrations for the 6th issue of Tantrum, the "magazine of extraordinary stories". It's a lovely small mag Leer más
