Samuel Lutzweiler 的个人资料

Bachelor Thesis 2012 - "Die fliegende Flaschenpost"

"Die fliegende Flaschenpost" - ein interaktives Bilderbuch mit Augmented Reality

Samuel Lutzweiler, Hochschule Ulm, Digital Media WS 11/12
Supervising tutor: Dipl. - Des. Nils Kunath
Supervising tutor (HS Ulm): Prof. Manfred Gaida

About this project
This is a story about three good friends getting trapped by a big fat coin, which symbolizes "the money". This evil coin sends flying messages in a bottle, asking for help. Thinking of having an adventure and helping someone who is in a tight corner, the three friends start out searching for the helpless writer of this flying message.

For this project I wrote the story, drawed it and made a concept for interactivity with augmented reality. Here I will show some drawings and a little bit of the process.

The drawings are done with ink, watercolors and colored pencils. Have fun watching!
Main Characters - the three friends
Alban the weird and old inventor
Dick the daydreamer
Mauro the cool dog
Storyboard and finished illustrations
Timelapse drawing process
Even more illustrations
a little mock-up animation for my concept for interactivity through augmented reality
Thanks for watching!
and appreciating..
Bachelor Thesis 2012 - "Die fliegende Flaschenpost"


Bachelor Thesis 2012 - "Die fliegende Flaschenpost"

This is a story about three good friends getting trapped by a big fat coin, which symbolizes "the money". This evil coin sends flying messages in 阅读更多内容
