Perfil de Christopher DirdjohadiPerfil de Vasco Creative Partner

Harry Ramsden's

Harry Ramsden’s is world famous for its fish and chips with outlets distributed all over United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Australia and United States. In addition, they have 30 outlets throughout UK. Harry Ramsden’s is a classic fish and chip artisan that stands through time, since the early 1928. Its fish and chips is a masterpiece, therefore a contemporary manner needs to be developed to represent the process to be served at the customers plate.

Looking back from a tenacious historical point, the brand started from a secret recipe that is battered by Harry himself.  Thus, we came up with two distinct approaches, which are “one bite of a history” and “the maestro of fish and chips”. It all collides into an idea of hand-shaped fish and chips on the negative space to show a maestro hand that creates a masterpiece. Sketchy style illustration is attached to display a process of creation. In addition, framed wood gives the vibe of creation, to show even an effortless fish and chips can be crafted to achieve the finest.
Harry Ramsden's rebranded.
Take-away packagings.
Harry Ramsden's

Proyecto para

Harry Ramsden's

Harry Ramsden's Re-Branding
