Electric fan 2019

Use an electric fan in the summer. However, electric fan is not used 24 hours a day. Dust builds up on the wings during periods when the electric fan is not used. If dust builds up on the wings, you have to disassemble the electric fan and clean it up. This is a very cumbersome act.

The air conditioner used in summer has a cover. The cover opens automatically when the air conditioning is switched on and closes automatically when the power is switched off. The air conditioning covers protect against dust.
An electric fan would be nice to have a cover like an air conditioner.
Color, Pattern, Concept

CLOFAN is a covered electric fan. The cover opens automatically when the CLOFAN is powered on. When the CLOFAN is switched off, the cover is automatically closed.

Hinge mechanism

CLOFAN does not have the disadvantage of accumulating dust on fanswith longer unused hours. It also prevents dust from accumulating when fans are not used outside of summer.


Industrial Design :
Yongha Yang


