GATHA: An Educational Board Game


Gatha is a strategy based educational board-game based on chapters from 6th and 7th NCERT history textbooks. Though the primary users of this group are school students, this game can also be played by adults as the complexity in strategy increases with age group.   

The game consists of concepts of Mahajanpada expansion through resource management of resources like iron, gold, food and armies. The children learn the concepts and terminologies mentioned in the textbook through gameplay. The game ultimately generates interest in the chapters of the textbook.   

To make the game more interesting we included a skill based activity wherein when a player challenges a Janapad or another Player on the board, he/she has to beat them in a game of Bow & Arrow.

Play-testing the game with children from a local school. 
The rule book doubles as a wall to avoid the arrow from getting lost.

Components of the game

The Game Board

The concept of Ashwamedha is explained with a special move which a player 
can activate once he has a specific number of resource cards.  

Ideation: Game Mechanics

Play-testing with initial prototypes at the local school

Packaging and a part of the Instructions Booklet


Thank you.

GATHA: An Educational Board Game

GATHA: An Educational Board Game

Gatha is an educational board-game based on the NCERT history textbooks of 6th and 7th standard. The game was play tested with children from a lo Se mer
