Europlan website design+maintenance
Catalogue website for key-ring + premiums manufacturer & wholesale trade
The main goal in 2008 was to offer an alternative to expensive mailings  including printed catalogues.
At the time <a href="" title="sleutelhanger fabrikant en groothandel Europlan">europlan</a> realised that the time was right to broaden their activitities on the internet.

The primary focus is at the products, therefor the design is sober and clean to prevent distraction. For easy and fast navigation a visual navigation structure was implented which wasn't used widely on the internet at that time.

Besides the design and maintance of the website, I also take care for a large part of the photography and retouching of the provided photo's.
left: Example of a typical product page.

Right: The quotation / order form which dynamically changes depending on the choices made.
The choice was made to go for an online catalogue with flexible quotation / order forms. As most products have many options and configurations a standard webshop would not suit the needs. Therefor custom scripts were made to change the form to show only the relevant options. Both the client and Europlan receive a fully marked-up confirmation of the filled in form. As an extra, a template was made for Europlan to integrate the mailed form results into their quotation / invoice software.
The Europlan website consist of a lot of detailed pages about their products. The people at Europlan are very passionate of their products and care a lot for their reputation and their clients experience.
Website Europlan

Website Europlan

Webdesign, development, maintance, SEO and photography for a leading key-ring / premium manufacturer and wholesale trader in the Benelux.
