ADC STUDIO's profileRay Wang's profile

#TOPIC 知間藝文空間

#TOPIC 知間藝文空間
TOPICK,濟南知間藝文空間,英文名稱來自Topic + Pick的組合字,在乎消費者的需求,尤其聚焦提供千禧世代族群,為其挑選或創造新穎有趣的藝文提案。在這個零售空間,每場活動、每個服務流程、每種商品,都與藝術和設計息息相關,沈浸式的規劃與體驗,超越消費者的好奇想像。品牌識別的設計概念,聚焦於多樣與多變,定義吸睛的色系與圖騰組合,營造前衛新潮的品牌溝通語彙。

TOPICK, coming from Topick + Pick, is going to pick a topic that matters to you.
Everything is about arts and design. It is retail space providing immersive events, services, and merchandises that can surpass customers’ curiosity because this place cares about every topic that concerns customers. The design concept of brand identity emphasizes diversity and cutting-edge customer experience, creating a compelling series of graphic applications to communicate with the millennials.
CL: China Resource Land Limited 華潤置地華北大區
CD: Marco
Designer: Ray
PM: Terri
#TOPIC 知間藝文空間

#TOPIC 知間藝文空間

TOPICK, coming from Topick + Pick, is going to pick a topic that matters to you. Everything is about arts and design. It is retail space providi Read More
