Unexpect the Expected
You read that correctly!!! Always the bridesmaid and never the bride, fans and pundits alike see the National Leagues as The Championship's 'little brother' and only for young, untested players who partake in low intensity games as a dry-run for the sport's bigger competition. To smash this misconception, we devised a campaign that tackled it head-on and really got people talking about The National Leagues in a whole new light!
High intensity, action-packed and thought-provoking... just like the National Leagues!
Most people believe that National League matches are a forgone conclusion... but they're wrong!
Online Banners
Think the matches aren't worth coming down to? THINK AGAIN, get your tickets right here!
Press Launch
Players and their managers were invited to talk to the press about what they think when they hear fans saying teams don't care about the National Leagues and don't give them 100%.
Facebook Competition
Giving fans another reason to spread the new ethos surrounding the National Leagues
Facebook Fixtures
Each Friday, every single National League fixture for the weekend was posted online so that fans could offer their encouragement, predictions and trade barbs!
Some fan reaction...
Our new way of looking at the National Leagues had the desired effect amongst those that matter most!
... and my favourite comment!!
Pat Spillane is a famous Irish pundit who is amongst one of the biggest voices in the "it's only the National League" argument!
The GAA - The National Leagues

The GAA - The National Leagues

Always the bridesmaid and never the bride, we were asked to put a new spin on The Championship's 'little brother', The National League.
