Claire Mc Gorian's profile

Uber Eats Photography

UberEats Evergreen photography

Concept various scenes to create a library of evergreen content for EMEA markets. 

Messy life. Easy eats. Food shouldn’t stay in the way of your messy, big-day-out, quiet-night-in, work day, play day, leg day, cheat day, sleep-in, stay-up, early mornings, late nights, #best life - kind of life. Food should always be on its way. 

Role: Concept & Art Direction​​​​​​​
Copywriter: Iulia Soare
Photographer: Johnny Valentine
They cheer for different teams. But they’re brought together by their favorite food. Some of them are happy eating, others...are stuffing their mouths because they feel like yelling at the TV.
Achievement unlocked
It’s gaming night again, and these two guys are on a mission. Nothing will stop them - even if they have to hold their pizza with their mouth while playing. #GameOn
Spin me right round
She’s finally home alone. Time to indulge in some guilty pleasures. Opens YT, and searches for hula-hoop tutorials. Now she’s spinning a hoop around her waist and a donut around her finger. 

Two tired
Sun’s finally out. These two friends love spending time outdoors. They’re covered in mud from head to toe. 
One of their bikes has a flat tire. And they’re hungry.
A couple of friends need an on-going feast to support their movie-night cravings. They’ve been feasting their eyes on their favorite series and their mouths on their favorite food. The living room table and floor is filled containers showing they’ve been there since breakfast through to dinner.
Uber Eats Photography

Uber Eats Photography
