Inspired by the Chinese handcraft tradition of paper cutting, the designer create an illustration of the goddess Chang-e flying on the moon with a rabbit. According to the legend, Chang-e accidentally swallowed a magical pill that can make a man immortal (I'm guessing she thought it was Tic Tac). When she became to float into the sky, her husband who was an archer shoot a rope so she could hold on to it. So she landed on the moon (one giant step for mankind), accompanied by a rabbit that lives there. The paper cutting always use red colored paper. Red symbolize good luck. The typeface is designed based on Chinese architectural decoration on windows and doors made from wood. The packaging is a box printed on card paper for sturdiness without coating.
Mooncake Packaging

Mooncake Packaging

Inspired by the Chinese handcraft tradition of paper cutting, the designer create an illustration of the goddess Chang-e flying on the moon with Rozwiń
