Profil von Sudarshan Devadoss

Death of a Catfish | Graphic narrative

"Death of a Catfish" emerged from a sequential narratives workshop led by Amruta Patil, where students from the module engaged in sharing personal stories. Through this collaborative process, we delved into contemplative narratives that unveiled the contextual and emotional nuances shaping each storyteller.

Choosing a childhood story from my story partner, the narrative unfolded the impact of witnessing his nanny, Ba, ruthlessly kill a catfish with her bare hands, leaving not a single drop of blood spilled. The  storyline highlighted my partner's analytical empathy, imagining himself in the fish's place and considering the incident as a metaphor for the loss of solace from his nurturer.

The comic received acclaim at the 2019 Chitrakatha, an international student animation film festival and Design Olympics at the National Institute of Design, winning a Gold medal in the Comics category. Additionally, it was featured in "Lines of Inquiry," a themed exhibition showcasing student projects during the Annual Convocation Display 2020 at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. The exhibition aimed to explore how introspective inquiries into our experiences serve as crucial building blocks for our personality, identity, and emotional intelligence.
The Comic
Original pencils+inks
Death of a Catfish | Graphic narrative


Death of a Catfish | Graphic narrative

The comic tells the story of a little boy who witnesses a killing of a catfish by his nanny/caretaker.
