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Adidas neo summer campaign

Adidas neo belongs to adidas sports and leisure series, is a blend of your daily life, the most fresh sports and leisure brand.

Adidas neo  2018 summer campaign  /  NEVER TO NEO
(1) SUMMER, NEVER TOO HOT --hot together
Hold the hottest theme parties in six big cities. Spread the hottest fashion information by Linyun, gogoboi and many KOLs in different fields. Inviting consumers to experience and create hot topics.
(2) SUMMER, NEVER TOO HOT --the hottest EP
Jackson, partnered with Justin Bieber to publish adidas neo's brand EP, making a new hit and raising the reputation.

Adidas neo  2018 summer campaign  /  NEVER TO NEO
Year: 2017-2018
Creative Direator:Yung Chan
Associate Creative Direator:Joy / Scott
Art Direator & Designer:Echo / James Wang / Sandy / Siyuan Zheng
Copy: Stone Wang / May.Y / Zhiyuan Guan
Animation:Zhuang Wang

THANK YOU​​​​​​​
Adidas neo summer campaign


Adidas neo summer campaign

Adidas neo 2018 summer campaign
